very lovely things

by - Juni 05, 2021


I am back! Thank you for giving me the time to get all my RL things sorted.
In this post i`ll show you all the very lovely things from Apple Fall, most of them released in the last 2 weeks. Have fun shopping :)

7. Nutmeg. Charming Zen Large Tassel Rug
Apple Fall Begonia Maculata
Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 12
Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 13
Apple Fall Books w/ Camera
Apple Fall Carter Lamp - Bronze
Apple Fall Carved Cabinet - Aged Oak
Apple Fall Cheese & Apple
Apple Fall Clay Hand Sculpture
Apple Fall Crane Figure - Short, Brass
Apple Fall Crushed Cotton Cushion - Cream
Apple Fall Emily Easy Chair - Charcoal Stripes
Apple Fall Emily Pouf - Stripes
Apple Fall Female Bust w/ Cloth - Plaster
Apple Fall Fresh Magnolia Wreath
Apple Fall Gardening Books w/ Mister
Apple Fall Joshua Cabinet - Aged Oak
Apple Fall Monterey Paneling, Straight
Apple Fall Pampas Grass
Apple Fall Plant Stand, Short - Iron
Apple Fall Wireless Gramophone - Brass
Nutmeg. Apple Terrace Fallen Fruit
Nutmeg. Apple Terrace Potted Tree
Nutmeg. Quaint Foyer Jug
Nutmeg. Quaint Foyer Newspaper / 1
Nutmeg. Quaint Foyer Plant
West Village Lily Leaves Spray  

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